Thursday, May 14, 2015

Let The Journey Begin…

**This post may contain sponsor, affiliate, and/or referral links. I have been given Let The Journey Begin by Max LucadoLet The Journey Begin by Max Lucado  free of charge in exchange for this review. However, the opinions in this post are my own. For more information please read my full disclosure statement here. **

What if God's plan for your life meant giving to God the thing in life you Cherish the most? What if it means going outside of your comfort zone and doing something you're scared of? Something that brings anxiety of the unknown and uncertainty to the surface? 

Would you still answer his call? Would you still decide to follow Jesus, anywhere he lead you? 

As much as I long to continue to be a stay at home mom, then homeschool K, right now thats not what is being placed on my heart. With our move comes a transition in life that I had known would come. 

When God says, I need you for something different now.

I will guide you along the pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you. 
Psalm 32:8

My heart has been changing, my interest and knowledge of apologetics has been growing and prayers for God's will to be done have been prayed. As anxieties fill my heart, I prayed for peace about this transition if it is God's will. I have begun to feel peace and a hope for the future. 

Though I know this transition will be happening - I don't know when or how. 

Questions like, what is God's plan? Where will I work? Who is it that I will encounter?, fill my head. I wonder how in the world am I supposed to know where to start. 

Then I received, Let the Journey Begin by Max Lucado in the mail. This month's Max Lucado book to review is all about transitions in life and its journey. How amazing is God to provide the right book at the right time? A true answer to my prayers. 

Let The Journey Begin is another compilation of exerts from Max Lucado's other books rolled into a short 157 pages focusing on guiding through scripture and words of wisdom as you take the next step in your own journey. It is a book to encourage and inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and embrace God's will for your life. 

My book is now covered in highlights and notes of things I want to remember and apply to my own life. Such as… 

"Wouldn't you love to look back on your own life and know you had down what you were called to do?" 

-Max Lucado, Let The Journey Begin

"Enjoy serving the Lord and he will give you what you want. Depend on the Lord; trust him and he will take care of you."

Psalm 37: 4-5 

This is not what I expected when I started reading, this book is very much like On Calvary's Hill in the way that it takes from other works as well as like Before Amen in having an "apply to your life" section at the end. It is truly a "It is what you make of it" kind of book in the sense that you could just skim right through or you can slow down and actually go deeper by putting these words into practice in your own life to guide yourself toward your journey of God's will. 

Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. 

Proverbs 3:6 

I personally will be taking in all I can to help pave the way towards God's plan for my life. Choosing to take an active role instead of continuing down a passive path. Will it be easy? Will I get to do what makes me happy? Probably not, I most likely will have to stop doing what I have known for the past 3 years and step out on faith that God knows better than I. 

And it all begins with trust. Trusting God with my life and my plan even though I don't know what it is yet. With my life I trust him fully. His will be done. 

So, Let the Journey Begin...

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