Bienvenue à tous arrière à les Conseils Apprendre Une Nouvelle Langue!
C'est le deuxième Video continue la liste de DIX Conseils Apprendre Une Nouvelle Langue! Si, tu ne regarde pas le Video dernière puis Arrête! Et Regarde la premier Video ICI!
Oui, maintenant s'il te plaît regarde le Video de aujourd'hui pour le cinq prochaine conseils!
Welcome all, back to the tips to learn a new language!
This is the second video to continue the list of 10 Tips to learn a new language! If you didn't watch the last video then, stop! And watch the first video here!
Yes, now please watch today's video for the five next tips!
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6. Trouvez les Blogs, les chaînes YouTube, et les sites Web qui vous enseigner vrais Français parle parce que c'est diffèrent extrêmement de livre français. Je n'ai pas sais Verlan a existé jusqu'à j'ai trouvé "Shut Up and Go" chaîne de Youtube. Aussi, je n'ai pas sais que en France ils disent, "on"au lieu de "nous" en français parlé. Il y a des choses que tu ne peux pas apprendre d'un livre.
7. Apprends le mots t'utilise le plus. Examinez ton vocabulaire et comprendre quoi est-ce tu dit le plus tout les jour et apprends les mots que tu disais chaque jour.
8. Très important! Pratiquer, Pratiquer, Pratiquer! Si tu ne pratique pas le langue, il ne sera pas en tenir. Tu n'apprends pas parler en que langue, à moins que tu pratique. Tu n'apprends pas écrire en que langue, à moins que tu pratique. Tu n'apprends pas écouter en que langue, à moins que tu pratique. Tu n'apprends pas lire en que langue, à moins que tu pratique. Pratiquer le quatre domaines et il viendra.
9. Trouve un groupe de soutien des langue étudiants. En ligne ou dans ton région. Trouvez des gens t'aider apprendre et pratiquer le langue.
10. N'abandonne pas! Apprendre une langue est très difficile. Il sera difficile mais si tu travaille dur et systématiquement, tu faire des progrès.
Bon! Dix Conseils Apprendre Une Nouvelle Langue, si tu sais des conseils apprendre une nouvelle langue écris dans le section commentaire en bas!
La semaine prochaine, je donnerai quelques ressourses apprendre Français!
Jusqu'à semaine prochaine! Au revoir!
6. Find Blogs, Youtube Channels, and websites that will teach you true spoke french tips because it is extremely different than book french. I had no idea the Verlan existed until I found, the "Shut Up and Go" Youtube channel. Also, I didn't no that in France, they say "On" instead of "Nous", in spoken french. There are things that you just can't learn in a book.
7. Learn the words that you use the most. Examine your vocabulary and figure out what you say the most during the day and learn the words you say every day.
8. Very Important! Practice! Practice! Practice! If you do not practice the language that you want to speak, you will not be able to keep it. If you will not learn to speak the language, unless you practice. You will not learn to write the language, unless you practice. You will not learn to listen to the language, unless you practice. You will not learn to read the language, unless you practice. Practice the four areas and it will come!
9. Find a support group of language students. On line or in your area. Find people who will help you to learn and to practice the language.
10. Don't Give Up! To learn a new language is so difficult. It will be difficult but if you would hard and consistently, you will make progress.
Good! 10 Tips to learn a new language! If you know any tips to learn a new language, write it in the comment section below!
Next week, I will give you some the resources I use to practice and learn french.
Until next week! Bye!

Great tips! I love that my daughter is growing up learning Spanish and English at the same time! Kids are SUCH sponges and as someone who has taken French, Spanish, Latin and Sign Language, I wish I was able to retain things like she does! Bonne Chance to me huh? haha
ReplyDeleteI took three years of French in high school and barely remember a thing because I don't use it .... ever. I really wish that I would have taken Spanish and then taken some conversational courses to actually learn how they talk!
ReplyDeleteAhhh I would love to learn a new language, thanks for the great tips!
ReplyDeleteI'm not interested in learning a new language, but I know a few people who might be.
ReplyDeleteWhile I lived in Korea I took some private lessons to help me cope. Not only was it a new language, but new alphabet as well. It was one of the hardest things I've done!
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right! The key to learning a new language is practice, practice, practice! Perhaps someday I will finally learn how to speak French! But for now my time is allotted to my hobbies (after work and family duties ofcourse!).
ReplyDeleteAnother set of great tips. These tips will help someone understand humor, sarcasm and other aspects of language that aren't picked up though traditional text books lessons.
ReplyDeleteI've always wanted to learn French! I didn't want to dish out $200 on rosette stone, but I never thought about just YouTubing it! Thanks for the the tips!
ReplyDeleteI really need to take the time to practice. I've been wanting to learn another language but never take the time!